Saturday, May 14, 2011

Buddhist meditation health chants

Secret health chants music for instant healing provided by Buddhist meditation. These sacred chants effect your body to start producing positive qi energy, making your body go into a healing modus. Healing cancer, flu, and any disease on earth.

Thanks to Buddhist meditation and Buddhist chants you can heal yourself, improve and enjoy your life as never before.

Enjoy, pray & be happy!

- Om mani pamde hum (SpiritHealer)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

One of the visionaries in Medjugorje, after an apparition of Our Lady, announced that Our Blessed Mother had a message for someone there. The message was that the man should not stop writing Her letters each night, Our Lady looked forward to them. We should all be writing God letters, every moment of every day.

ilchi lee prayer of peace