Saturday, May 14, 2011

Weight loss: how to eat less food

A quick list of Do's and Not's when eating. Weight loss secret lies in the "eating less". Check out the following link to read more about it!

Weight loss: how to eat less food

Buddhist depression healing

Everything you need to know about depressions and how to heal it. There is no 'depression', it's just a stupid excuse, but it's also a sort of flu of your emotions. Heal it instantly & start preventing it. Check it out:

Buddhist depression healing

Buddhist meditation chanting

Instant healing using the following Buddhist meditation mantra. Listen daily to the mantra, put it on your phone, IPod, etc. Improve yourself, improve the world; compassion.
-Bless you

Home remedies, they still work

The old home remedies you might have heard from your parents or your grand-parents. They are so old, almost forgotten and yet so much more effective than western medicine!

Home remedies, they still work

Success and anything you want

No need to explain the title. If you want to be successful it's time to start reading the article and stop searching for alternative methods.

Success and anything you want

Acupuncture healing more than art

Acupuncture as you may know it isn't what it really is. It's not a direct healing method it's more of a killing art than healing art in reality. When I started learning acupuncture I had lots of questions, now there are no questions. Thanks to the following article I understood what it was.

Acupuncture healing more than art

Buddhist meditation - Health chants

Introduction into Buddhist meditation from HealthChants

Buddhist meditation health chants

Meditation chants for healing

Too old for exercise?

If you're wondering about your age, and if you are too old for exercise, sports and movement then you should reconsider and read the following article, it WILL change your life.

Too old for exercise?

Always remember you'

Always remember you're unique, just like everyone else. via Funny Hellotxt

How to last longer with Buddhist meditation techniques

I was searching for a method to last longer in bed, he he. As most people search google they will first land on sale pages trying to sell viagra, stupid ripped blogs which provide no useful information whatever. I twitted to ask people if they had something useful and they actually replied with a blog article they've read themselves. Buddhist meditation techniques to last longer in bed by HealthChants. It sounded familiar so I went to check it out... After reading it, It didn't give the answer immediately, it put me on thinking first, well the answer is given freely but I didn't catch it at first, stupid me... Now I can last another twenty minutes longer... Isn't that a miracle! Thanks to Buddhist meditation techniques to last longer, I'm a happy man.

How to last longer with Buddhist meditation techniques

How healing is totally for free

I was reading some blog stuff on the net and stumbled on this one! Wow...

How healing is totally for free

Buddhist meditation health chants

Secret health chants music for instant healing provided by Buddhist meditation. These sacred chants effect your body to start producing positive qi energy, making your body go into a healing modus. Healing cancer, flu, and any disease on earth.

Thanks to Buddhist meditation and Buddhist chants you can heal yourself, improve and enjoy your life as never before.

Enjoy, pray & be happy!

- Om mani pamde hum (SpiritHealer)